February 10, 2006
The Next Uranium Sensation
Gem Fire Air
by marty kleva
My intent as I began writing today was about a discussion of the photography you will find on this site. More will come, and we will build a gallery as time goes on.
However, when I got into the subject, another topic peeked through, one which I warn you ahead is not for the faint-hearted.
But then, I have already forewarned you all about my relationship to the status quo these days. I hope it does not wig you out too much. Please don’t stop in the middle, even if it seems like I am off the mark here.
As for the photography that you will find on the site, it is purely for my own pleasure that I take photos. They are not of professional quality, nor am I a professional photographer.
So I request that you recalibrate your expectations and simply enjoy the photo settings, such as the opening photo, Santa Fe Sunset that I shot because of the splendid colors.
I am just beginning to learn the value of focus in photography — that translates into the use of a tripod, and which for me is a bit cumbersome to deal with.
I have tried to incorporate the practice of taking my camera with me when I walk out the door, finding that it comes in handy for an unexpected shoot — like today. When I got to the gym for a workout, I was surprised by Kathleen the owner, who was in the middle of a trunk show.
There were silks of all designs arranged everywhere. Gorgeous colors and textures: two of my favorite reasons to take a shot. My workout session just got a little longer, and I ran out to the car to get my camera and tripod.
Long story short — putting this website together has been a very high learning curve, and added to that is the element of placing my photos in a web-format which has its own learning curve. Technology is great, but I for one believe it is here for us to use, not to be used or abused by it.
Up to now, I haven’t had the need to make sure that my photo is in focus. What can I say? I’ve been living for years now with Neptune making passes over my Mid-Heaven. And I’m talking about the planet Neptune, not some male named Neptune, involved with me in an erotic act — although come to think about it, I wouldn’t be adverse to that.
But about the planet Neptune — now I am not an astrologer — but I am a student of it as regards to my own chart. Astrology can be as foreign to me as is Greek, literally like learning a different language. Neptune’s influence, as I hear Eric Francis of
PlanetWaves.net talk about it, is pritt-eee foggy territory, one that is out of focus, and fluid, as in watery. And dare I say it, illusional.
For a person such a I who has a Capricorn sun, illusional, watery, and foggy are not in my ordinary nature, a nature which is more prone to structure, form, and the status quo of the established culture.
So for the past several years, good old Neptune, King of the watery depths, has been passing directly over the Mid Heaven point in my birth chart . . . slowly . . . years worth . . . not just once and be done with it — but three times!
Well, you get the picture. My structured Capricorn nature is not so structured anymore, after living with Mr. Neptune in a very personal way. Consequently, my world is no longer so focused, therefore my photos may be a bit soft or even blurry.
But I am ready for a change, and with Neptune now moving on, it seems an appropriate time to begin to use the tripod. Imagine that! Some in focus photos to come.
But I digress . . . which admittedly is also a bit Neptunian, but I have learned to chuckle about it and just go with the flow.
There are many things that attract me to take a photo shot. Texture has a very high value for me. Elements next to each other that have contrasting angles and lines, surfaces that are contrary to one another, like rough rock beside a polished surface of shiny marble or smooth glass.
Color is another value, which I suppose is the case for most of us. However, my fascination is not so much with different colors in the same frame, but of the same color with different hues, in the same shot.
Do you know how many different hues of adobe houses there are in Santa Fe? And not one of them exactly the same? But the eye will not detect the very subtle nuance of the differences at first glance.
As I discovered, it’s somewhat like the question of how many different colors of white-skinned people are there?
Enter light as another factor and take the same adobe colored house, add a few corners here and there, especially with the newer Santa Fe architecture. Add a little shadow, and you have up to three or four different colors of adobe on the same structure, and in the same photo.
Allow some time to pass, take another photo of the same framing, and magically, you have a very different photo. Sort of like seeing the effects of the passage of time on life, only in condensed, real time reality.
There is another element that really catches my interest, and that is the layers of possible meaning, openings that continue to open and unveil to my eye, transferring to the world of my inner eye — like linked portals of space which lead me through from one to another, on and on to a space that can only be perceived in the depths of the beholder.
It totally fascinates me.
So this is my palette with a camera, similar yet different from that of the artist who uses brush and paint to create a blurred, or what I refer to as a blended image — for now, I use the camera.
For those of you who may have looked at the opening photo, Santa Fe Sunset, and remarked to yourself, “Hmmm doesn’t Marty realize it’s not in focus?” Yes, I certainly do realize it.
But the colors are so stunning and gorgeous, that I could not trash it! So I did my best to bring up the focus.
Buck up! Things will change. Indulge me for a bit. The use of the tripod is definitely to come!
But allow me to get to the telling of the real story for today, a story radioactive in nature.
Several weeks ago, I received an e-mail advertising stocks. Sometimes these things just slip through for reasons unknown. I looked at it because the title caught my interest.
Uranium Stocks were touted as the “Next Uranium Sensation.”
But wait, that isn’t the “best part.” The brochure goes on to describe how a certain company has “just acquired a lucrative mining project in Kazakhstan”, further stating how rich that country is in natural resources, “super-rich.”
The brochure further states that “a few years back”, a certain company, the one that the brochure is hawking, “landed an oil project there”, which “handed early investors” with a “hefty 14,000% gain!” (Believe, me, I checked that figure over and over again so I wouldn’t misquote it.)
Now don’t you just want to make sure that you get in on the bottom line with the very same savvy petroleum company which has “just acquired a lucrative mining project” in uranium?
Are you connecting any dots here?
Why, “Holy Cow!” it’s the “Opportunity of a Lifetime”, as quoted from the brochure.
Now this topic has my attention. I especially remember the Three Mile Island incident, living on the Jersey coast at the time. Residents were acutely aware of how vulnerable our position was if the plant were to go into full meltdown. Aside from that, we lived with a nuclear power plant nearby at Oyster Creek.
I have done extensive research on the subject of depleted uranium, so I do have a good sense of the topic at hand.
Days later, I received another sales brochure from a different source. Both brochures were about seven pages long. The second one began by soothing the reader’s fears about the myth of the danger around nuclear power.
Let me say that what happened at Three Mile Island is no myth.
Neither is Chernobyl.
The brochure went so far as to say that even environmentalists are touting the graces of nuclear power, linking that insight with a statement made by Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore, a quote that for all I know could have been taken out of context.
The quote was used again, to allay the fears of the reader to the possible risk in the use of radioactive material such as uranium, warning that “Outdated Beliefs About ‘Nukes’ Could Cost You A Fortune.”
The brochure goes on to support the use of uranium because it is a clean fuel that is safe.
Imagine that!
Safer than what, I ask?
Was Three Mile Island safe, or for that matter, emissions free?
Well of course not. But the article was comparing it to the dangerous emissions that come from the coal and oil energy industry.
All I could see is the emission of a silent, invisible nuclear cloud over Three Mile Island, and over the land around and beyond Chernobyl.
The pot gets sweeter.
They stated incredible profits to be possible.
Over 200% in only four months!
Instead of profits, what I saw were the tons of DU armed munitions dropped on Bosnia.
Remember Bosnia?
And Iraq?
Yes, for over ten years we of the United States, have dropped munitions with depleted uranium warheads all over the country of Iraq, like radioactive rain from the sky.
DU is a radioactive “waste” from the enrichment of reactor fuel, and is used in military weapons. It contains proportional amounts of the U-234, U-235, and a form of the U-238 isotope.
The US has turned it from a “waste product” into a profitable product sold on the world arms market to be used in the manufacturing of bomb casings, armor-piercing bullets, tank shielding, missile penetrators, and cluster bombs.
Just imagine an area of the two combined states of New Mexico and Arizona, or an area the size of the combined seven states of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, and Maryland being bombed for ten years straight, and being littered with the destruction of those bombs.
Just imagine the numbers of people who would be killed, or maimed, or left homeless.
The numbers of children who would survive only to find their parents dead.
Take that scenario and insert it over the region that you and I live in, and equate that with our family, our friends and neighbors — men, women, children — living, breathing, flesh and blood human beings, who we are intimately connected with.
Now take that, as if it’s not horrendous enough, and add to it an invisible, hideous, and insidious danger, one that cannot be seen, smelled, or detected, except with a Geiger counter.
But you, me, the neighborhood, we don’t have a Geiger counter, nor would we even know that we need one. We are too busy dealing with the unusual amount and strange quality of illness in the area. And perhaps we have our own symptoms of illness.
Perhaps we are now five years into the constant bomb-dropping destruction, and are now a new mother or father of a baby born with a head deformity. We have a new baby niece or grandson born without arms or legs.
And still the bombs keep dropping.
I know that this is a horrific picture to paint.
However, it is extremely difficult for us to realize that this is fact, a fact of life that it is truly happening in real time to real people in the country of Iraq.
That, my friends is a picture in focus.
Nothing blurry about it, except for that which is our personal relationship to it.
Now back to our own collective reality.
What we may not have yet realized is that in some way, every one of our own military people stationed in Iraq have been exposed to the invisible DU dust that litters the very ground that our tanks rolled over, and which our military vehicles travel through daily in Iraq.
Even the very ground, over which stand the numerous tents that house our sons and daughters, may be contaminated with DU.
DU dust in the desert does not have the same qualities as it might were it in the jungle. Dust does travel easily in the desert. It is the way of life there.
And although the DU particle may not move as readily, the dust has already been contaminated by it.
And who is breathing that dust?
As evidenced by the amount of illness experienced by our veterans, and shown in the death statistics, once they have returned home seemingly healthy, something invisible is killing them.
DU literally liquefies in the air when it explodes and becomes an aerosol, then, it leaves an invisible residue in the dirt that has an estimated half-life of 4.5 billion years.
It does not go away.
We cannot sweep it up or even vacuum it up to eliminate the contamination that has already seeped into the lungs of the soldiers who walk over it, sleep over it, or who eat in the mess tent set up over it.
This is the reality. Do a google search on DU, and Dr. Doug Rokke, Lt US Army Preventative Medicine Command, who headed up our own military clean-up operation after Desert Storm of the Gulf War contaminated vehicles hit by“friendly-fire” DU rounds.
And to think that these brochures are talking about how much profit you and I can take . . . get that . . . take . . . from the sale of this element of uranium at the expense of someone else’s life, that of hundreds of thousands of people.
All to keep our portfolios in the red zone.
Make no mistake, I realize that there are things we sometimes need to do for our own survival.
But taking promised profits of over 800% per annum from the sale of yellow cake is not survival mode!
It seems diabolical to me that instead of creating new technology for the purpose of exalting the human life, we use technology for the destruction of it.
Progress is not about identifying someone else as the enemy, but rather it is coming to terms with the enemy who resides within us.
Now, we are speaking of the juncture where illusion meets delusion.
I know about the illusion of my out-of focus photos, and yes there is a difference. My out-of-focus photos will not kill anyone to look at them, nor am I bombing anyone with them.
I also know that they are only one picture of reality among the many others available.
Nevertheless, it’s what I have today to relate to, and I remind myself to take just one conscious breath in these interminable moments of insanity.
From the wild beast within me,
Welcome to Gem Fire Air
Marty Kleva writer and editor
I’ve often wondered how people could set up their own website. I mean, not just the physical planning of it, but the act of making oneself vulnerable to have everyone read their life-revealing stories across the web.
For one such as myself, who is more reserved, and who some would even say reticent to reveal myself to people I know, opening a website such as Gem Fire Air is almost unthinkable . . . six months ago.
I acknowledge and thank my friends Terry and Suzi Turner of HMSCrown.com Eric Francis of PlanetWaves.net whose website inspired my vision. And I owe so much to Anatoly, my trusted web-designer and web-master. Between us there have been many hours and skype conferences to put this together. It has truly been a pleasure to bring this vision forward with his help. who first suggested this to me, and to
I hope you find this a place of restful, yet inspirational beauty, and that you return here often. This site is dedicated to the Divine Feminie Archetype. You will find more about this here.
There will be photos, a not-so-daily editorial, and other forms of expression in writings that have been brewing within me for many years, some of them more recently.
The phototography will be changed regularly with the replaced photo consigned to a gallery.
The main writing feature is “Soul Dancing,” a book that is in progress, and is my personal account of healing from a closed-head injury sustained in an automobile accident in July of 2000. It has taken more than five years to physically and emotionally heal from that trauma.
As a professional trauma therapist negotiating the past five and a half years, I documented my journey that took me through several brushes with death, an unexpected visit before a twenty- foot angel with a sword, and to a remote cabin tucked away in the deep ponderosa forest of northern New Mexico, where I regained my life force.
Aside from the book, featured are what I coin “WildWrites”, exercises that are written in a 10-20 min time-span, during which I allow my mind to take a wild ride while I record it on paper. Sometimes fun, sometimes tedious, but always there is a thread of the wild beast within me that makes its appearance.
Also, since a main theme of this site is about natural ways of healing, I am publishing my master’s thesis, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Path To Individuation Through The Hero’s Journey. It was completed in 1997, yet the subject of stress and the process of individuation is always present. This study remains one of my personal guides for everyday living, and the incredible stories of the participants in the research project are some of the most courageous I have ever encountered. If you want to be inspired, read about their lives as they learn how to handle stress through the classes of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. This method was created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at UMASS in Worster. I have personally trained with Dr. Kabat-Zinn, and also interned at the stress reduction clinic at UMASS as well as at El Camino Hospital Clinic in Mountainview, CA with Dr. Bob Stahl.
We will start with these features and add more as time progresses. Plans are to include erotic writings (look for that to celebrate Valentine’s Day next week), a place for what I call BodyTalk, and a resource on trauma recovery for those who have experienced a loss or trauma of any kind. I hope that it will draw those military men and women who have returned from both Iraq wars, and for that matter anyone who has ever been to war or in a military engagement, as well as their families; their wives, husbands, and children. It is important that you read both major works here; Soul Dancing, and then my thesis. I promise, although the thesis is an academic work, it is easy reading. It reads like a book, not in stuffy academic high-brow language. Anyone who has experienced any sort of trauma will be able to identify with the material, and personally gain something from it.
Some of the content that you will read and see here may appear as liberal-minded or progressive in thought. Goodness! Although I will not deny this, it does not mean or signify that I can be classified or categorized as one or both of those exclusively. I am more than either of those.
This material can be challenging to old, outdated, and embedded attitudes, no less than it was to my own. It can be very dark, and in many cases resides on the edge of the abyss. It also rises to the transcendent realms, which I found can be just as difficult to maneuver through. The one continuing thing I have been taught throughout all of this is that there is so much to more to learn than I ever imagined. No need to stop now.
Nothing/all, or for that matter, anything I say may be what is called the truth. It is simply my truth and even then, it may only be a temporary truth wafting away on the next breeze. Feel free to examine it and to turn it around, inside-out, and even upside down to see what it is you can see differently. Otherwise, what you and I have will always be no different than what we have always had before. Be forewarned, this is not the place where you will find the status quo promoted.
All in all, I welcome you to my world, as well as your feedback and questions.
con amore,
- - mek