Little Red Riding Hood and the Dubai Deal: Wolves In Other Guises. Part 2

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Little Red Riding Hood and the Dubai Deal: Wolves In Other Guises. Part 2

by marty kleva

(Part 1)

And so the saga continues. Yes, I do believe this will be a saga. As each day goes by, more and more comes to light about the background behind the Dubai Port Deal.

As we look, we find the character of the wolf in more than one place, manifesting in more than one person, and even as a group.

Wolf is bustin’ out all over!

These wolves are all aspects of the original wolf, and I assure you represent corruptions of the original archetype as well — no limit to these.

Wolf #1 — anyone who wants to eat Red Riding Hood, aka destroy America’s ports security. This includes almost anyone inside the administration who also appears to be the ailing grandmother archetype.(part 1) The wolf may also present itself through anyone who is family or friend around the presidency.

To be sure, the wolf will show itself over time.

Wolf #2 — anyone in bed with LLRH, i.e. Dubai Ports, which by the way dissembled quite nicely, being so kind as to suggest a “delay” of their taking ownership of the U.S. port facilities.

We have been told that the delay simply means, that after forty five days, the ports go to Dubai.

Since this last writing, Dubai has shown its teeth to a defender of LRRH, namely to the CNN newscaster Lou Dobbs, who has publicly said that Dubai has threatened him and his show to force them to stop coverage of this issue.

Dobbs says, in its attempt to silence him, “Dubai Ports World has actually refused to grant CNN anymore interviews from Washington or London, and it's refused to allow CNN to videotape its operations in the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong if we were to show you the video on this broadcast.”

Dobbs is surely a candidate for Karl the woodman’s son! (see part 1)

But you have to ask, if this deal is so innocent, why has Dubai gone to such extreme measures to stop the publicity and make such a blatant mistake as to show their hand like this?

Remember, we are also dealing with the archetypes of greed, power, money, and control. It appears Dubai is deep within the grips of all four.

Greed, power, money, and control never travel alone, but in packs, very much like the wolf family. Wolf families are very social creatures within their structures.

So who do we already know are part of that social pack?

We cannot discount the Bush family which has very prominent ties with the UAER families, both personal and business.

These ties are close enough that, according to U.S. intelligence reports, when we actually had Osama in our sights in Afghanistan, we were prevented from killing him because he had with him, the company of none other than the visiting UAER families!

Intelligence said that strike forces had to back off because they would have also killed the families, even as they would have killed Osama.

Had there been only local herdsmen, village women and children, Osama would have been taken out along with the locals who then would have been declared collateral damage.

This discrimination suggests a very stong personal-political tie between the Bush family and the Emerites. A mark of incredible arrogance that is also a mark of this administration from the beginning.

The wolf meeting LRRH in the woods has no qualms that she will recognize him in his first disguise. Granted, her naivete also places her in the danger zone of becoming the dupe.

Naivete is something we Americans ought to understand is a trait within the collective trademark of this country. We also have the trademark of arrogance, which is displayed for us by the President in both the personal and political arena.

Arrogance in itself is not wrong, nor is it a negative thing. But the difference between conscious arrogance and denied arrogance is the difference between Oprah Winfrey and the world bully. One is consciously aware of the power she holds, and the other is tramping over the rest of the world, including those citizens he claims to be protecting.

Wolf #3 — I must say that, I also see another wolf loose here, in an American guise.
It can be tricky when two archetypes combine, usually the case being the stronger one overtaking the weakened one. In this case, the ill grandmother taken over by the strength of the archetype of greed, power, money and control.

I name the lobby and law firms hired by Dubai as another wolf in this story of covertness.

“Covertness?” . . . you ask doubtfully as I detect the rise of your left eyebrow. Well, just hear me out on this one, no need to commit yourself here, as I am.

To date, as I know it, there are three firms involved. One is the Bob Dole lobby firm, the other is the Madeline Albright law firm which in turn has hired another lobby firm as mentioned in part 1.

Mind you, I realize that if questioned, they would likely say that Dubai is merely a client, a paying client. And we being the naïve Americans that we are, might say that it is as it should be.

But think about this; those three firms are being paid a lot of money, earning it we say, to take this deal from a FOREIGN country, and speak for that FOREIGN country, as they wine and dine the Congress of the United States, the elected officials of OUR country, behind the scenes.

If we put our naivete aside and pull out our savvy, we know that this means a lot of friendly arm-twisting and deals being made, maybe even a bit of coercion, a you do for me-I do for you thing, creating a deal not to be refused.

Fully realize that neither you nor I have this same kind of money or access to our elected public officials, who we put in office. Yet a foreign country has hired three companies to do the job. And they expect results; will stand for nothing less.

In reality, we must also classify the president here too, for even though he says he did not know about the deal beforehand (a clue as to how he truly views security for this country), he did not take good advantage at the first outcry against the deal and say he would look into the issue and then give his assessment, but instead, he belligerently said to the Congress, that if they did not pass this deal through, he would veto it, a veto he would use for the first time in this six year presidency.

“Bring ’em on!”

With the President, showing his teeth, in this context, we must also classify him as a wolf in the guise of caretaker of the country, yet again the ailing elder feminine archetype being taken over by the archetype of greed, power, money, and control.

Before flying to India and Pakistan yesterday, the President strongly defended the ports deal and comforted the American people with the assurance that it is safe.

A statement which has me ponder the question, What hockey team, be it high school, amateur, college, or professional, would allow the opposition’s goalie to guard their goal cage?

What football team would trade quarterbacks, or defense lines?

What corporation would allow their security department to be run by an executive from a competitor?

In reality, that is what we have done in this case. We have allowed an opponent, not an enemy, but an opponent nevertheless, to handle something as sensitive as the goal cage to our country’s defenses.

The Coast Guard has come forward and said that they in fact did voice security concerns in a document issued back in December saying that there were “intelligence gaps” that prevented them from clearing the ports deal.

This admission flies in the face of the statements made by several White House representatives, such as Scott McClelland who denied every possible concern. (see part 1).

Homeland Security dismissed concerns about security raised in this Coast Guard document.

If this department has no concerns about a foreign owned company owning and operating the facilities of a major portion of our ports, then why is there such close scruitinizing of the American citizens in this country?

Why has the administration seen fit to carry on domestic spying when it has no concern over an Arab owned company given the keys to the door of grandmother’s cottage?

So as to the Wolf Archetype. There is the real wolf, the pure archetype of the wolf, and then there is the shadow of the archetype, the one referred to as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

The archetype is true to the wolf’s nature. The shadow has a lurking quality of denied intent as an agenda that is hidden, yet that gets projected out onto the unsuspecting potential character for prey; namely Red Riding Hood, and further, the country called America in the form of her people, you and I.

Red Riding Hood’s instinct saved her when she ran out of the cottage from the clutches of the Wolf.

If our instinct is intact, we will not run in this case, because that is not what’s called for. What is called for is that we stand up, point the finger where it belongs and let it be known that this deal is against the very security of our borders.

Do you know that reportedly there is not one American company that can step into Dubai’s place?

It has now been said that this contract includes twenty one ports, not just the six originally reported.

In the Congressional showdown over the Dubai ports deal, Democrats are blasting the Bush administration on the issue of national security. The Republicans are deeply split.

This may be the best indication of all. Finally, someone may be thinking for themselves instead of being blindly led by misplaced loyalty, based on greed, power, money and control.

Beyond Congress, the battle to block Dubai Ports World from taking over major port operations in this country is also being challenged in the court system in this country and overseas.

Thursday, a British judge will decide whether to allow DP World to buy the U.K.-based P&O company. For the deal to go forward, the British high court has to sign off first.

In the lawsuit filed by New Jersy Governor Corzine, a U.S. district court judge will hear arguments on Wednesday.

And reportedly, tens of thousands of longshoremen all across the country are protesting the Dubai takeover of port operations.

The chief operating officer of Dubai Ports World, Ted Bilkey, told senators that it's impossible to stop the ports deal from going ahead.

It is rumored that if America will not keep this deal, then the World Trade Organization will step in and force the U.S. to keep it under the terms of agreement the U.S. has within the jurisdiction of the WTO.

There is much more to be learned. Let’s hope it’s not too late.

Adjourning this developing saga as it unfolds and reveals the world’s order of chicanery.

For now, I bid you all: Awake! Awake!
